gardening tests your patience, nurtures your imagination, and rewards you based on hard work. i know there's so much more, but that's why i love it so. it's august time in louisiana. seeds reluctantly germinate, if at all. the lady flowers refuse to come out. it's cabin fever time, comparable to february in minnesota and my patience is being tested.
I'll be your breathing body!
Just found your blog. I live in new Orleans, but am from Alaska where I used to live pretty rural. I've been wondering where the dang back to the landers hide out in this state.. Do you have a little enclave there or are you the solo weirdos?
Do you ever come to NO? I have two bitties, 1 and 3. My husbands at tulane. Would love to have you over for tea...
Cabin fever, indeed.
I am trying to break out of it right now. I go outside and my gardens are all a mess. There's going to be a lot of work to do this fall.
Alaska, eh? Quite a change in climate. WEll, I think i've lived my entire live as a solo weirdo, it's just part of my life now. It's me, my husband and our four year old daughter on 15 acres. I do have neighbors, but no restrictions. I come to new orleans sometimes. Usually it's for a show or to visit friends. I know there is a nice urban homestead community there, they shouldn't be too hard to find. mmmm...tea sounds fantastic.
sara...aren't you loving fall? it's so much nicer than spring :)
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