Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well I realized my weekly goals in one day. I hope I'm not a fool for planting so much right now, these afternoon showers have been so consistent, but just a week or two of drought during the hot summer months could have me lugging a water hose across my yard. at least i've kept the trees in their pots that i'm planning to put in the front yard...those will wait until fall for sure.

I got all my new herbs in the ground, opting to "stick" one in my OG raised bed. a giant marigold seems like a perfect companion plant to put in with tomatoes. It's just so hard to resist popping plants in those beds with their wonderful soil.

I also tended to the goji berry I've had potted up since last year. I bought it from ebay and I think it was shipped bare root. I've had it in a three gallon pot all this time and have neglected it a bit. I thought it had died at one point, but responded well to some heavy feeding this spring. I cleaned it up and put it in the ground with a tomato cage for support. I know it has to be a lot happier.

I also put in my dwarf peach tree, just west of the goji to give it a little shade. And dragon fruit....more to come on that later.

little tea tree...
grow for me. don't you wanna graduate to the ground one day soon?

so, the bed got a little longer.

horseradish in a really big container!
I'm super excited about this one. I had hoped to put it in a large raised bed of it's own with room for potatoes, but I found this giant pot and i think he'll be okay by hiself for now.

goji berry.
doesn't look like much, but if it's made it through this climate thus-far I think it will be just fine.

mmmmm, minty!


Anonymous said...

Your gardens are so inspiring! I don't mind at all if you steal my sunflower bed, but I'll have to copy some of your little ideas, too! We had the posts lying like that in the sunflower bed because it actually helped to keep the chickens from scratching around while the seedlings were coming up. We were fencing everything with scrap wire-- but that wasn't pretty so I tried this and it worked!

I just LOVE your gardens, and some of the plants that you're planting. I'll keep reading...

Anonymous said...

Wait.. I mean, I love ALL of the plants that you're planting, but some of them are new to me so it's fun to read about them.

jess said...

thank you, thank you. I love your blog too, i love seeing others doing such hard work, it keeps me motivated! when my plants start producing shoots and seeds out the wahoo i'll have to give you some babies!